Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Assignment 2: Bloggers anonomous
Come on it had an entire post dedicated to this video. Its incredible, really.
Craftzine.com's Blog is something I actually read religiously, along with its brother blog Makezine.com.
Craftzine focuses more on cool art/recycling projects, and fiber arts while Makezine is all about engineering, robotics, and really cool inventions like the decal an 8Th grader invented to stop birds from dieing in head on window collisions. Definitely something to check out if you like to work with your hands, or if your just bored. Actually found this HILARIOS video on it.
I don't know if online comic strips count as blogs, but Kawaii not is a super-funny, super-cute, stand alone four panel about the darker side of adorable, and the cute side of weird. All in all, an interesting perspective on life in general.
Ps: I just thought of the LAMEST name for this blog. Yeah, A slice of pie. I know, your thinking...how could that not have occured to you sooner?
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Vienna ( Hopes and Fears)

My hopes for the Vienna Students : I hope we all get to know ( and like ) each other and I hope we make lots of new foreign friends. I hope we all have a few hilarious highjink-filled adventures that will make our friends back home insanely jealous. I also hope none of us are refered too as "filthy american pig-dogs."
My hopes for the Staff (lqtm) : I hope they have as much fun as we have ( or at least a little more fun than they're used too). I hope they don't hate us too much by the end, or go in to coranary when one of us inevitably disapears from the face of the earth for two days. I also hope they grade easy. (j/k)
My hopes for Pie : I hope I become more self sufficient while in Vienna, and grown as a person and an artist. I hope that I will be able to make a ton of friends, and learn enough German that I won't insult them. I hope that I will find twenty euro on the subway and meet a model and sell a drawing on the sidewalk in front of St. Peters.
I'm secretly nervous that... I'll get lost. Or that Chrissie will decide that I am THE WORST roomate and sell me to slave traders. Or that I'll end up with a beer gut. Or I don't won't be able to learn any german and be lynched. Or my sisters will ruin my wicked cute shoes while I'm gone. Irrational fears, I'm doing it right. <3
Ps! Shameless Plug for North of the Waterfront! Go watch the muzak vid I made for them, Go to their myspace, you know, buy all their playsets and toys <3 style="font-weight: bold;">Seriously, if you like indie rock/pop punk/garage band check 'em out!